Eun Joo.
That was my given Korean name. "Eun", synonymous with "grace" and "Joo", meaning "pearl". Grace, freely given unmerited favor, layered around unexpected injury to form an expression of value, actualized only with the healing process to emphasize and validate the outcome's worth.
What was once an invasive and destructive occurrence is now the very process by which a valuable is created. Without injury, there is no healing. Without healing, no restoration. And without restoration, no understanding or comprehension of value.
Nacre, or mother of pearl, is what a mollusk secretes in a sac when injured. The substance is iridescent, displaying lustrous color in light.
HE is the light. He said so Himself! So being the created, I hope you know what it is to reflect His many colorful facets and inexpressible beauty to those who may have never known what miracles come of intrusion, pain, and damage.
I am so honored to have you by my side as we live in His light, always in the great adventure of obtaining a new layer and discovering the blessing that is Him through the gift of grace.